Telstra Speed Test

How to Test Your Internet Speed on Different Devices: Mobile, Laptop, Desktop

In today’s digital age, a fast and reliable internet connection is a necessity for many people, whether it’s for work, entertainment, or personal use. The internet speed you receive can vary depending on the device you are using, the location, and the service provider. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to test your internet speed on different devices – mobile, laptop, and desktop – to ensure you’re getting the speed you need.

  1. Testing Internet Speed on Mobile Devices

Testing your internet speed on a mobile device is straightforward and can be done using a few simple steps:

Step 1: Connect your mobile device to your Wi-Fi network.

Step 2: Open your web browser and go to any online internet speed testing site like Ookla,, or Google Speed Test.

Step 3: Press the “Go” button to begin the speed test.

Step 4: Wait for the test to complete, and then review the results to see your download and upload speeds.

  1. Testing Internet Speed on Laptops

Testing your internet speed on a laptop is slightly different than on mobile devices, but it’s still a simple process:

Step 1: Connect your laptop to your Wi-Fi network.

Step 2: Open your web browser and go to any online internet speed testing site like,, or Google Speed Test.

Step 3: Press the “Go” button to begin the speed test.

Step 4: Wait for the test to complete, and then review the results to see your download and upload speeds.

  1. Testing Internet Speed on Desktop Computers

Testing your internet speed on a desktop computer is also simple and easy:

Step 1: Connect your desktop computer to your Wi-Fi network.

Step 2: Open your web browser and go to any online internet speed testing site like Ookla,, or Google Speed Test.

Step 3: Press the “Go” button to begin the speed test.

Step 4: Wait for the test to complete, and then review the results to see your download and upload speeds.

Why Testing Your Internet Speed is Important

Testing your Internet speed is important to ensure that you’re getting the speed that you’re paying for. Slow internet speeds can be frustrating and negatively impact your productivity, especially if you work from home or rely on the internet for streaming entertainment. Additionally, testing your internet speed can help you identify any issues with your network or service provider, allowing you to take the necessary steps to improve your internet speed.

Tips for Getting Accurate Speed Test Results

To ensure that you’re getting accurate speed test results, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  1. Use a wired connection: Testing your internet speed using a wired connection (Ethernet) is more reliable than using a wireless connection (Wi-Fi).
  2. Close all apps: Close all apps and programs that may be running on your device to ensure that they are not consuming your internet bandwidth.
  3. Test at different times: Internet speed can vary depending on the time of day, so try testing your internet speed at different times to get a better idea of your internet speed performance.

In conclusion, testing your internet speed on different devices – mobile, laptop, and desktop – is an easy process that can help you ensure that you’re getting the speed you need. Slow internet speeds can be frustrating, but by testing your internet speed, you can identify any issues and take the necessary steps to improve your internet speed. Keep in mind the tips mentioned above to ensure that you get accurate speed test results. With fast and reliable internet speeds, you can enjoy all the benefits that the internet has to offer.