Telstra Speed Test

Is Your NBN Connection Up to Par? Use This Speed Test to Find Out

Are you tired of slow internet speeds and buffering videos? It’s time to put your NBN connection to the test! With so many factors affecting your internet speed, it can be difficult to determine whether or not your NBN is living up to its full potential. Luckily, there are easy ways to check your NBN connection speed and ensure that you’re getting the most out of it. In this article, we’ll show you how to use a simple speed test tool and provide tips on how to improve your connection for faster browsing, streaming, and downloading. Get ready for lightning-fast speeds with our guide on testing your NBN connection!

What is the NBN?

The National Broadband Network (NBN) is a high-speed internet network that aims to connect every home and business in Australia. The NBN uses a range of technologies, including fiber-optic cables, fixed wireless networks, and satellite services, to deliver fast and reliable internet connections across the country. This national infrastructure project was launched in 2009 with the aim of replacing Australia’s aging copper wire network with a new state-of-the-art broadband system. The goal of the NBN is to provide equal access to fast and reliable internet for all Australians regardless of their location or economic background.

The rollout of the NBN has been complex due to its massive scale and reliance on multiple technologies. As of 2021, most homes in Australia have access to the NBN network either through fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC), or other connection types. While some have criticized aspects of its implementation, there’s no doubt that having access to high-speed internet has become increasingly important for both personal use and business operations alike.

How to Test Your NBN Connection Speed

Testing your NBN connection speed is crucial to know if it’s performing up to par. Fortunately, testing it is a simple process that doesn’t require any technical expertise. The first thing you need to do is choose a reliable internet speed test tool. There are plenty of free online tools available like Ookla,, and Google Speed Test that can give you accurate results in seconds.

Once you’ve selected an internet speed test tool, make sure no other devices are connected to your network before running the test. This will ensure that there’s no interference with the results. Next, click on the “Start Test” button and wait for a few moments while the tool tests your download and upload speeds as well as your ping rate. The download and upload speeds are measured in megabits per second (Mbps), while ping rates are usually measured in milliseconds (ms). After completing the test, review the results carefully and compare them against what you’re paying for from your ISP. If there’s a significant discrepancy between what you’re getting versus what you’re paying for then contact your ISP immediately.

What is a Good Speed for NBN?

When it comes to NBN speeds, what is considered ‘good’ can vary depending on your usage needs. However, as a general guide, the minimum speed required for basic internet browsing and streaming services is 25 Mbps. For those who require faster speeds due to multiple users or high-bandwidth activities such as gaming or video conferencing, a speed of at least 50-100 Mbps may be necessary.

It’s important to note that while you may have signed up for a specific NBN plan with advertised speeds, the actual speed you receive can depend on various factors such as network congestion and distance from the exchange. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your NBN connection, regularly testing your speed and contacting your provider if there are any issues can help improve overall performance. Ultimately, determining what constitutes a good speed for your individual needs will come down to assessing how you use the internet and choosing an appropriate plan accordingly.

Tips to Improve Your NBN Connection Speed

If you’re experiencing slower-than-expected NBN speeds, there are a few tips and tricks that might help improve your connection.
Firstly, consider the placement of your modem. It should be positioned in an open space with minimal obstructions between it and your devices. Walls and furniture can interfere with signal strength, so try to keep them to a minimum. Another factor that can impact speed is the number of devices connected to your network at once. If possible, limit the number of devices using Wi-Fi at any given time or invest in a higher-capacity router.
Regularly updating both your modem’s firmware and device software can also have a positive impact on speed. Check for updates regularly and install them as soon as they become available.
If all else fails, consider speaking with your internet service provider about upgrading to a faster plan or troubleshooting any technical issues that may be impacting performance.


To sum it up, having a reliable and fast NBN connection is essential nowadays. By performing an NBN speed test, you can determine if your current plan is working for you or not. If the results show that your speed is below average, don’t worry because there are several tips to improve your connection. Make sure to place your modem in a central location and away from any physical obstructions. You can also try connecting directly to the modem through an Ethernet cable instead of relying on Wi-Fi. Moreover, consider upgrading your plan or switching providers if necessary. Remember that the goal of having a good NBN connection is to have seamless internet usage without experiencing lag or buffering while streaming videos or playing games online. With just a few tweaks and adjustments, you can enjoy faster speeds and better connectivity.

So whether you’re using NBN for work, school, gaming, or entertainment purposes – make sure it’s up to par by regularly testing its speed!


How do I check NBN speed?

To check your NBN speed, you can use online speed test tools. Simply search for “NBN speed test” on your preferred search engine and select a reputable speed test website. Follow the instructions on the website to initiate the speed test, and it will measure your download and upload speeds.

What is normal NBN speed?

The normal NBN (National Broadband Network) speed can vary depending on the type of NBN connection you have and your internet plan. Generally, NBN speeds are classified into four categories: NBN 12 (Basic), NBN 25 (Standard), NBN 50 (Standard Plus), and NBN 100 (Premium). The normal speed for each category would be around 12 Mbps, 25 Mbps, 50 Mbps, and 100 Mbps, respectively.

What does NBN speed mean?

NBN speed refers to the bandwidth or data transfer rate of your internet connection through the National Broadband Network (NBN) infrastructure. It indicates how quickly you can download or upload data over the internet. NBN speed is typically measured in Mbps (megabits per second) and affects the performance and responsiveness of online activities such as streaming, gaming, and browsing.

Can I speed up my NBN?

There are several factors that can impact your NBN speed, including your internet plan, network congestion, and the quality of your home network setup. While you can’t directly increase the maximum speed provided by your NBN plan, there are steps you can take to optimize your connection. These include using a wired Ethernet connection instead of Wi-Fi, ensuring your modem and router are up to date, minimizing interference, and avoiding peak usage times. Contacting your internet service provider for assistance and potentially upgrading your plan may also help improve your NBN speed.